Thursday, January 1, 2015

Personal Care Tips For All

Good personal hygiene is the first step to good health. It not only protects you from poor health, but also shields those around you from suffering illnesses that arise from poor personal habits. 
Habits such as washing your hands, bathing, brushing, flossing, may all look monotonous and boring, but they all come under important personal hygiene. They make you feel good about yourself and keep you free of bacteria, viruses, and illnesses. In this post we give you 20 tips for personal hygiene that you must follow routinely. 

Personal Hygiene Habit # 1 

Vaginal itch is curable and does not need intensive treatment. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and antifungal creams that will take care of the skin problem.How do you prevent vaginal itch? 

Stay dry and clean 

Shower daily 

Rinse out all the soap 

Make sure your intimates are not tight; cotton is a preferred material 

It is recommended that after motions, you must wash up or wipe from front to back. This will help avoid germs entering the vagina. 

Grandma's tip: Back in the day, women were suggested to sleep without their underwear, so that the vagina area remains dry. 

Personal Hygiene Habit # 2 

For Food storage 

Store and prepare raw meat, poultry, and seafood away from other foods 

Store food in the fridge at 5°C/41°F, do not overfill and allow cold air to circulate 

Prevent raw food juices from dripping onto other foods. 

Personal Hygiene Habit # 3 

While preparing your food 

Cut meat and vegetables with separate knives and chopping/cutting boards 

Soak, scrape, brush, scald, peel or wash all fruit, salad and vegetables 

Do not wash raw meat in the sink prior to cooking as this spreads germs around the sink area. This is also not necessary as proper cooking of the meat will destroy any harmful bacteria 

Personal Hygiene Habit # 4 

Peeing etiquettes 

Don't hold it in 

Stay hydrated 

Relax when you pee 

Wipe from front to back 

Personal Hygiene Habit # 5 

Fighting bad breath 

Drink plenty of water. 

Brush and floss regularly. 

Treat any existing oral diseases. 

Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables. 

Cut out coffee. 

Chew sugarless gum. 

Eat yogurt 

Get your vitamins. a, but can also help prevent two other causes of bad breath—gum disease and gingivitis. 

Avoid tobacco products. 

Personal Hygiene Habit# 6 

Cleaning and disinfection of office work spaces. 

Viruses are breeding round the clock, especially when it comes to hard surfaces, like office desks, office floors and so on. 

Make sure your office administration staff routinely cleans door handles, countertops, keyboards and doorknobs with anti-bacterial solution to remove the germs. 

Personal Hygiene Habit# 7 

Go for an alcohol-based sanitizer. 

Clean your hands every now and then by using hand sanitizers. This is because alcohol is a drying agent and kills all the viruses and bacterias immediately. 

However, please note alcohol is liable to make your skin dry, thus always go for a branded alcohol-based fragrance-free hand sanitizer, which has a good amount of moisturizer in it. 

Personal Hygiene Habit# 8 

Office pantry etiquette. 

The office pantry is a very tricky place - you can't avoid it, but nor can you be friends with it. The best practice is to carry your own coffee and tea mugs and wash them at least twice a day. If you are not so sure about your office hygiene, get your own tissue roll from home and store your office snacks in a clean and safe drawer. 

Personal Hygiene Habit# 9 

Makeup hygiene 

Eyebrow pencil hygiene is a must. Always ensure that you clean your eyebrow pencil with a wet tissue before usage in order to get rid of bacterial residue. 

Wash your makeup brush and powder puffs on a weekly basis with a mild baby shampoo for best and safe usage. Dry the washed makeup product by using a clean towel. 

Never use your fingers to apply makeup, unless and until a profesional artist does that for you. But, if you must use your fingers, then make sure they're clean and that you use just the ring finger as it has the lightest stroke. 

Personal Hygiene Habit# 10 

Brushing hygiene 

Brush your teeth twice a day for at least 3-5 minutes. Make sure you do not put too much pressure as this can hurt your gums. 

Place the bristles along the gum line at a 45-degree angle. Gently brush the outer tooth surfaces of 2-3 teeth using a vibrating back and forth motion. Clean outer, inner and biting surfaces of teeth with scrubbing motion. 

Studies show an essential oil based mouthwash reduces plaque by 70% and gum problems by 36% over brushing alone. Use an anti-microbial mouthwash to get complete protection from germs. 

Floss your teeth. Ease the floss gently between your teeth, pull the floss smoothly back and front. Additionally, using a dental floss will help remove food debris that's stuck in your teeth. 

Clean and brush the surface of your tongue daily because there is bacteria present particularly on the rougher top surface of the tongue. These can contribute to bad breath (halitosis) and negatively affect your dental health. 

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